Shikkoku Tsukai No Saikyou Yuusha: Nakama Zenin Ni Uragirareta Node Saikyou No Mamono To Kumimasu
Shikkoku Tsukai No Saikyou Yuusha: Nakama Zenin Ni Uragirareta Node Saikyou No Mamono To Kumimasu
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Shikkoku Tsukai No Saikyou Yuusha: Nakama Zenin Ni Uragirareta Node Saikyou No Mamono To Kumimasu

The Brave Jet Black Wizard: I Got Betrayed by My Comrades so I United with the Ultimate Monster, Hero of Darkness, Shikkoku Saikyo, Shikkoku tsukai no saikyo yusha nakama zen'in ni uragira retanode saikyo no mamono, Shikkoku Tsukai No Saikyou Yuusha ~Nakama Zenin Ni Uragirareta No De Saikyou No Mamono To Kumimasu~, The Strongest Brave Man of the Black Wizard, 칠흑사의 최강용사 ~동료 전원에게 배신당했으므로 최강의 마물과 팀이 된다~, 漆黑使的最強勇者 被所有伙伴拋棄后與最強魔物為伍, 漆黒使いの最強勇者 〜仲間全員に裏切られたので最強の魔物と組みます〜
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 4287
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Synopsis Shikkoku Tsukai No Saikyou Yuusha: Nakama Zenin Ni Uragirareta Node Saikyou No Mamono To Kumimasu

世界には、いつも勇者が十六人いる。その中でも歴代最強の【闇の勇者】シオン。彼には信じるものが一つあり、それは今のパーティメンバーだった。だが、なんと信じていた彼女達から酷い裏切りにあってしまう。辛うじて一命をとりとめるも、心に深刻なダメージを受けるシオン。生きることを諦め、死のうと森を彷徨う彼の前に一体の魔物が現れた。「私を殺してくださいませんか?」 ライトノベル発大人気ファンタジーを待望のコミカライズ!

Shion, the ‘Hero of Darkness’. He was said to be the strongest hero ever. He believed one thing, and that was his current party members.

“I’ll defeat the Demon Lord with this party!”

That is what he swore to do, but a tragedy occurs. He was painfully betrayed by the girls that he trusted.

He barely held onto his life, but the incident left a deep scar in his heart. He gave up on living, and while he was wandering around in a forest, looking for a way to die, a single monster appeared in front of him.

“Will you kill me, please?”

The monster asked Shion, who was still strong, despite losing his powers. What Shion, who wanted to die as well, did was―


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