Shadow Cross
Shadow Cross
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Shadow Cross

Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 775
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Synopsis Shadow Cross

「独り」が集まる街・東京。 スーパーのレジ打ちで働く赤城冬実(セキジョウフミ)は、対人恐怖症のため「他人」に触れることができない。 けれど「誰か」との出逢いを強く求めていた。 上京し、髪を染め、接客業に勤める、傷付き、振り払われた手を諦めずに出し続けた冬実の元へ現れたのは、相棒不在のダンス・スポーツ選手、長尾忍(ナガオシノブ)。 男女の影が交差した瞬間、音楽は鳴り、火が灯るー。 ”ふたり”が繋ぐ”ひとつ”の人生、歓びと解放のダンス・ストーリー!!

Tokyo is a city where “alone” gathers. Fuyumi Akagi, who works at a supermarket cashier, cannot touch “others” because of social phobia. However, I was strongly seeking to meet “someone”. Shinobu Nagao, a dance athlete without a partner, appeared to Fuyumi who went to Tokyo, dyed her hair, worked in the hospitality business, was hurt, and kept putting out her shaken hands without giving up. The moment the shadows of men and women cross, the music sounds and the fire lights. A “one” life that connects “two”, a dance story of joy and liberation !!

