Saijo no Osewa Takane no Hana-darakena Meimon-kou de, Gakuin Ichi no Ojou-sama (Seikatsu Nouryoku Kaimu) wo Kagenagara Osewa suru Koto ni Narimashita
Saijo no Osewa Takane no Hana-darakena Meimon-kou de, Gakuin Ichi no Ojou-sama (Seikatsu Nouryoku Kaimu) wo Kagenagara Osewa suru Koto ni Narimashita
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Saijo no Osewa Takane no Hana-darakena Meimon-kou de, Gakuin Ichi no Ojou-sama (Seikatsu Nouryoku Kaimu) wo Kagenagara Osewa suru Koto ni Narimashita

才女のお世話 高嶺の花だらけな名門校で、学院一のお嬢様(生活能力皆無)を陰ながらお世話することになりました
Genres Comedy, Romance
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 2589
Updated On

Synopsis Saijo no Osewa Takane no Hana-darakena Meimon-kou de, Gakuin Ichi no Ojou-sama (Seikatsu Nouryoku Kaimu) wo Kagenagara Osewa suru Koto ni Narimashita

男子高校生・友成伊月は、誘拐に巻き込まれたことが切っ掛けで、日本随一の財閥のお嬢様・此花雛子のお世話係をすることに。 表向きは才色兼備な雛子だが、その正体は生活能力皆無のぐうたら娘だった。しかし、家の都合で、学院では「完璧なお嬢様」を演じなければならない雛子。そんな彼女を守りたいと思い、甲斐甲斐しく世話を焼く伊月。やがて雛子も伊月に全力で甘えてくるようになって――「今は……伊月が傍にいない方が、嫌」ギャップ可愛いお嬢様との主従を越えて始まる恋物語。

A poor high school boy, Izuki Tomonari, got caught up in a kidnapping attempt on Hinako Konohana, a young lady from one of Japan’s largest conglomerates. On the surface, Hinako appears to be a brilliant and beautiful young woman, but in reality, she is a lazy girl with no life skills. However, due to family reasons, Hinako has to play the role of the “perfect young lady” at school. Wanting to protect her, Izuki took on the job of caring for her. Eventually, Hinako began to spoil Izuki with all her might — “I don’t want…… Izuki to leave my side right now.” This is a love story that begins beyond the master-servant relationship featuring a princess with a beautiful facade.

