Parallel Paradise
Parallel Paradise
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Parallel Paradise

패러렐 파라다이스, パラレルパラダイス, 平行天堂,
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 17129
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Synopsis Parallel Paradise

『極黒のブリュンヒルデ』『君は淫らな僕の女王』の鬼才・岡本倫が放つ!美少女てんこ盛り異色SEXYファンタジー!!異世界に迷い込んだ男子高生・太多陽太は、森の中で美少女騎士・ルーミと出会う。そこは少女だけが存在する世界。神の化身からルーミとの交尾を命じられる陽太。触れられただけで極限まで発情したルーミは‥‥!? 待望の第1巻、通常版&特装版同時発売!

One day at school, Youta sees someone strange entering his school. Out of nowhere this being appears next to him and makes him fall from the 3rd floor. He lands in a strange world, where beings like dragons exist! Youta meets a young paladin, and discovers that he is the only man inhabiting that planet, and that its inhabitants are extremely ‘weak’ to his presence. Could this be paradise?


Chapter List
