剣闘奴隷として育った男、エイギルにはたぐいまれなる戦闘の才能があった。 戦うことしかできない彼は森の奥深くに住む、吸血鬼の美姫・ルーシィと出会い、女の柔らかさを教わる。 ルーシィを手に入れようと願ったエイギルに、提示された条件はたったひとつ。 それは、自らの王国を手に入れること。 戦乱の時代、今、ひとりの男の覇道がはじまる! 女、暴力、名誉――。すべてが詰まった傑作ファンタジーをコミカライズ!
This is the story of a young slave gladiator in an underground arena. He doesn’t know about his past or how he got to where he is, only that his name is Aegir, and that he is strong.
One day he kills the boss and escapes the arena, joining a band of mercenaries as a new recruit. During one mission, they encounter the vampire, Lucy, who slaughters the band with her inhuman strength. After learning that Aegir only knows how to kill, Lucy lets him stay at her house, educating and taking care of him.
Two years pass, and on the day of Aegir’s departure, they both exchange a promise that if Aegir becomes a king and owns the land of Erg forest, he can come and take her as his woman. Making this his life goal, Aegir set out on a journey to become a hero, a king, and found his own kingdom.