“Ou no Saien” no Kishi to, “Yasai” no Ojou-sama
“Ou no Saien” no Kishi to, “Yasai” no Ojou-sama
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“Ou no Saien” no Kishi to, “Yasai” no Ojou-sama

『王の菜園』の騎士と、『野菜』のお嬢様, , The knight of "The King's Kitchen Garden" and the young lady of "Vegetables"
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 1793
Updated On

Synopsis “Ou no Saien” no Kishi to, “Yasai” no Ojou-sama

王の菜園を守る通称「畑の騎士」を束ねるコンスタンタン・ド・アランブールは、真面目すぎる堅物騎士。ある日、彼は菜園でウサギを全力で追いかける美女と出会う。ウサギを素手で捕まえた彼女が、「このウサギ、ミートパイにしてやりますわ!」と満面の笑みで言い放った時、雷に打たれたような衝撃を受けて――fall in love!?

Constantin de Arambourg, knight of the garden, is an overly serious knight who guards the king’s kitchen garden. One day, he met a beautiful woman chasing a rabbit in the garden. When she caught the rabbit with her bare hands, she said: “I’ll turn you into a meat pie, rabbit!” When she said this with a smile, his heart was struck like lighting – fall in love!

