Leende de Kuni Monogatari
Leende de Kuni Monogatari
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Leende de Kuni Monogatari

Genres Updating
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 168
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Synopsis Leende de Kuni Monogatari

2024年度本屋大賞第5位ランクインの王道ファンタジー小説が新鋭・薄雲ねずの流麗な筆致で待望の漫画化! しがらみの多いシュライヴァの地を離れ、騎士団長の父とともに呪われた地とされるレーエンデへ旅立った姫・ユリア。琥珀色の瞳を持つ青年・トリスタンと出会った彼女は、自分の生き方を考え始めるが、やがて帝国をゆるがす事態に巻き込まれてゆく──。

Luciano, a boy from a famous family, has his house attacked by someone and arrives at a village in the eastern part of Leyende. There he meets Tessa, a monstrous girl with unparalleled strength. The thatched-roofed village, the bustling coal mines, and the colorful harvest festivals make Luciano decide to leave his identity behind and live here. However, this life did not last long. Tessa decides to go to war to save the village from a crisis. She leaves behind the promise of marriage with Luciano. The forest of ancient trees is sealed off, the Pope lives in an isolated castle, and the world is changing. They still do not know that their decision that day changed the fate of their country. A royal fantasy for adults.

