In the distant future humanity's home, Earth has been been destroyed by
the mysterious beings called Gauna that cannot be defeated by
traditional means. What was left of humanity escaped via massive
colonization ships, all in different directions to escape the Gauna and
find a new home. Thousands of years later, one of these ships called
Sidonia is still on the run with Gaunas always on it's tail.
On this ship, a young man named Tanikaze Nagate has lived all of his
life in seclusion with his grandfather with nothing to do but spend days
playing on old virtual reality mecha piloting simulators, mechas that
are known as Guardians. One day, he runs out of food and decides to go
looking for more. What he finds is the rest of the population of Sidonia
and meets the captain who for reasons unknown decides to enroll
Tanikaze as Guardian pilot trainee along with special privileges such as
being given a legendary Guardian called Tsugumori. How does Tanikaze
fare as a pilot, as a knight of Sidonia? What are the gaunas and why are
they chasing humaninity? Who is the masked captain who seems to know
tanikaze and why did Tanikaze's grandfather keep him away from the rest
of Sidonia's population?